This is one of the best fall baking recipes of the season. These delicious cinnamon brioche rolls are made with a fluffy and buttery brioche dough and have a flavourful pumpkin and pecan nuts filling. I glazed these beauties with a tangy orange-vanilla cream cheese frosting.
It’s fall and what is better on a beautiful fall weekend than trying out new pumpkin recipes?!? I’m a big fan of brioche dough recipes and pumpkin recipes. Therefore I thought to myself why not combining all the things I love to one fantastic fall baking recipe.
Cinnamon brioche rolls anyone?
There is something very calming when I work on a brioche dough recipe. The exact measuring off all the ingredients, the proofing of the yeast and my favourite part the kneading . I love focusing on such a simple work. It’s the best way to calm myself and relax after a busy week.
My family loves my brioche cinnamon rolls. Since I made my first rolls about one year ago they are regularly made by me almost always with a different filling. But we are at the height of pumpkin season therefore it needs to be a pumpkin recipe of course 😉
Why a brioche dough and not a normal yeast dough!
First of all cinnamon BRIOCHE rolls sounds way better than just cinnamon rolls. Am I right?!? A brioche dough has a lot more flavour because of the added milk, butter and eggs. The consistency of this pale yellow dough is just amazing. Nothing can be compared to a brioche dough. It’s as easily made as any other yeast bread and perfect for Sunday mornings when it’s freshly out of the oven.
What is important for this recipe!
First of all it’s a super easy recipe. If you have already made a yeast dough than there will not be any problems for you. Should you be a baking beginner here are the important things:
- I always proof the yeast! That means the yeast needs to be dissolved in WARM (38°C) milk and the sugar and loosely covered with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap. The yeast is proofed when the liquid becomes foamy and bubbly.
- I measure exactly! For every recipe I make measuring my ingredients is the most important rule ever.
- The dough needs to be kneaded for about 10 minutes! I know this sounds like much but it needs to be flexible.
Almost Done! Promised.
- I let it rise in a warm place and cover the bowl loosely with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel.
- I give my brioche dough enough time to rise! Thats very important! The brioche dough needs to be double in size before you can work with it again.
- Before I bake your brioche it needs a second rising which will last almost as long as the first one.
- The pumpkin filling is very easy. I just let everything cook at medium heat and stir it occasionally. AAAND I let it completely cool before you spread it onto the dough 😉
For the filling I just put everything into a pot and cook on medium heat for 10 min. I chop the pecans When the filling is cooked and blended I add the nuts and let everything cool I proof the yeast. Thats the most important step. When my dough is ready I put it into an oiled bowl Let it rise to at least twice the size, Roll the dough into a rectangular Spread the filling put leave 2 cm free on one long side. Start rolling up the dough. Be sure that the end of roll is the side with blank end. Cut the roll into 10cm locks. Don’t forget to give your rolls another rising before you put them into the oven.
You have to make this recipe ASAP 😉
This is the ideal recipe for your next brunch or breakfast . The brioche dough recipe is super easy and I’m sure you get that done 😉 . I hope you’ll give it a try. Let me know how it went and we would love for you to tag us on Instagram @twosisterslivinglife or use the hashtag #twosisterslivinglife. So that we can see.
Cinnamonly hugs Nina
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If you loved my cinnamon brioche buns recipe you may like our recipe for a delicious autumnally plum sheet cake or our recipe for a homemade pumpkin spice seasoning.
This is one of the most flavourful fall baking recipes of the season. These cinnamon rolls are made with a delicious brioche dough and filled with caramelized pumpkin and pecans. This recipe can be prepared the day before and baked in the morning. Nothing is better than a house filled with a sugary cinnamon smell. First dissolve the sugar into the warm milk. Milk should have about 36C° or 97F°. Add the fresh or dry yeast, cover loosely with plastic wrap and let it stand for about 10 minutes or until foam and bubbles are building In a medium mixing bowls sift the flour and the salt and incorporate the cold butter with a pastry cutter until everything is very fine in size. Add the eggs and -the yeast mixture and mix with the hook attached on medium speed until not sticky any longer. That's about 10-15 minutes. When the dough is not sticky any longer put it into an oiled bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. Let it rest at a warm place until the dough is doubled in size.That will be about 60-90 minutes depending on how warm the resting place is. When the dough is doubled in size put it onto your floured working surface and deflate the dough trough slapping it onto the surface 3-6 times. Preheat your oven to 180C° or 360F° Prepare a loaf pan with butter and flour it out. Shape the dough loosely into a rectangular and roll it out. The longer side of the dough should be facing you. The dough should be about 1cm thick and make sure that the short side is not longer than 40cm. Spread the filling onto the dough but leave 2 cm free on one long side Start rolling up the dough the end should be the long side where we didnt spread the filling. Cut the rolled dough into 10cm locks and put the into the buttered baking form. Put the rolls into the loaf form and let them rest another 40 minutes at a warm place loosely covered with plastic wrap or overnight in the fridge***. Coat the rolls with egg wash and sprinke them with sugar. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Let the pan cool for 10 minutes and put the glaze on top. Enjoy. ***Note if you let your rolls rest in the fridge overnight the rolls need to rest another hour in the morning at a warm place to come to room temperature before baking. Put all the ingredients into a large pan and let it cook under occasional stirring on medium heat for about 10 minutes or until the pumpkin is tender. Blend everything and mix the chopped pecans under the batter. Let the filling cool to room temperature before you spread it onto the dough otherwise it will tear.Cinnamon Brioche Rolls with Pecan-Pumpkin Filling
Pumkin pecan filling
orange vanilla cream cheese frosting
Brioche Dough Recipe
Pumpkin Pecan filling
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