Home Recipes Roasted turkey roulade with mushrooms, prosciutto and parmesan

Roasted turkey roulade with mushrooms, prosciutto and parmesan

by Nina

Turkey roast recipe, Roasted Turkey roulade, Turkey recipe, holiday main course, stuffed turkey breast, Puten Rollbraten, gefüllte Putenbrust, Weihnachtsessen, thanksgiving dinner recipe, Sonntagsbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die Gute Pute

Sponsored by AMA Gütesiegel – This post is available in English and German. Please scroll down for the German Version

Today I have something special for you. An easy and flavorful dinner recipe for a deliciously roasted turkey roulade with mushrooms, prosciutto and parmesan. This turkey recipe looks like a very intriguing and complicated recipe but in truth i’ts super easy. You will be the star at your dinner table with this dish for sure .Especially during Christmas and Thanksgiving season. It’s made with quality turkey meat which can be recognized by the Austrian AMA Seal of quality.

Why I prefer a juicy turkey roulade over a roasted whole turkey.

I love a roasted whole turkey but often its just too much for a small family and sooo time consuming. But with this delicious turkey roulade recipe you have all the juicy flavors of a stuffed turkey but without the long preparation and cooking time. The filling is made of ciabatta bread, roasted button mushrooms, onions, parmesan cheese, fresh herbs and prunes and enclosed by savory tasty Italian prosciutto ham. I love the sweet flavor of the prunes combined with the savory flavors of the other ingredients. Such a good taste.

I made a video for you too from the more complicated steps so that you don’t have to worry about it. ? There is even a video on how to bind that juicy turkey roulade securely to a cylinder.

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Turkey roast recipe, Roasted Turkey roulade, Turkey recipe, holiday main course, stuffed turkey breast, Puten Rollbraten, gefüllte Putenbrust, Weihnachtsessen, thanksgiving dinner recipe, Sonntagsbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die Gute Pute

What is the AMA seal of quality and what does it stand for.

My family and I, we love to enjoy a delicious meal together. Especially if it’s a turkey recipe. We don’t eat meat everyday but when we do I pay heed to the quality and the origin of the meat . I’m trying to raise my kids with the awareness that, when we eat turkey meat, it should be from animals that are raised properly and. Eating turkey, beef or chicken should be considered more as a treat, something special. Here in Austria we can count on the AMA Gütesiegel which is a seal of quality . The turkey products may cost a little bit more but I can buy those products in good conscience.

Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute

Roasted turkey roulade, stuffed turkey breast, turkey recipe, Puten Rollbraten , Ama Gütesiegel
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The AMA-seal of quality means that the livestock is born, raised and slaughtered in Austria.

AMA-seal of quality and it’s strict criteria the producers have to meet.

When you buy turkey meat with the Ama-seal of quality you can be sure that the product underwent a long list of quality criteria like:

  • Animal welfare
  • GMO free feeding
  • The animals have have enough free moving space
  • regional origin, which therefore means short transport routes . Short transport routes are good for the ecological footprint .
  • The butchers ensure that slaughtering is as stress-free as possible
  • Farm to table guarantee . Every AMA Turkey product contains the address of the farm , where the animal was raised . Quality over Quantity

Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute

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Farm to table and quality over quantity are some very important things to me. And those qualities let me enjoy our turkey meal made with AMA seal of quality meat without having a bad conscious.

If you’ll give my delicious turkey roulade recipe a try please make sure to leave me some kind words and give the recipe a rating ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. What I love the most is hearing from you guys. Let me know what you think about it and of course don’t forget to tag us on Instagram ?. Seeing your photos making our recipes, is our favorite thing to do ?

Warm hugs Nina

If you are looking for a fancy vegetarian dinner recipe I’m sure my “Festive Pumpkin Risotto with Pomegranate Seeds and Feta Crumbs” will be perfect for you.

Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute


Roasted turkey roulade, stuffed turkey breast, turkey recipe, Puten Rollbraten , Ama Gütesiegel
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Feiner Putenrollbraten gefüllt mit Champignons, Prosciutto und Dörrpflaumen

Endlich werden die Tage kürze und die Nächte länger. Die nun kälter werdenden Tage lösen in uns auch wieder das Verlangen nach gutem Mood Food aus. Speisen, die ein wohlig warmes Gefühl in uns auslösen und uns mit einem Gefühl des vollkommenen Glücks zurück lassen. Heute habe ich für euch genau so ein tolles Rezept .

Im Gegensatz zu klassischen schweren Rollbratengerichten wird euch mein fein-zarter Putenrollbraten mit einer Fülle aus Ciabatta, Champignons, Parmesan und süßen Dörrpflaumen nicht in einem Food-Koma zurücklassen ?. Versprochen. Der Braten ist das perfekte Sonntagsessen aber auch ideal für die Feiertage. Feiertagsrezepte und Weihnachtsrezepte kann man nie früh genug zum Suchen anfangen ❤️.

Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute

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Weniger Fleisch aber dafür nur die beste Qualität.

Wir essen nicht sehr viel Fleisch zuhause. Das kommt einerseits daher, dass wir unsere Kinder bewusst dazu erziehen möchten, Fleisch nicht als alltägliches Lebensmittel anzusehen. Sondern als etwas Besonderes . Besondere Sachen oder Lebensmittel kaufen wir nur in bester Qualität. Von Betrieben mit ethischen und ökologische Grundsätze. Deshalb können wir auch “die gute Pute mit dem AMA-Gütesiegel” empfehlen.

Wir achten bei unserem Fleischeinkauf sehr darauf, woher unser Fleisch kommt und wie die Tiere aufgezogen wurden. Beides sind auch wichtige Kriterien bei der Aufzucht der “guten Pute mit dem AMA-Gütesiegel”.

Was ist das AMA-Gütesiegel.

Das AMA-Gütesiegel steht für: kontrollierte Qualität, nachvollziehbare Herkunft und unabhängige Kontrolle. Mit dem AMA-Gütesiegel werden nur jene Betriebe und Produkte ausgezeichnet, welche sehr strenge Qualitätskriterien erfüllen können.

  • Das rot-weiß-rote AMA-Gütesiegel bei Puten bedeutet: In Österreich geboren, aufgewachsen und geschlachtet.
  • artgerechte Haltung
  • gentechnikfreie Fütterung. Die Fütterung erfolgt durch Körndlfutter und gentechnisch unveränderten Soja
  • genug Bewegungsfreiheit, wodurch auch der Antibiotikaeinsatz um 65% in den letzten Jahren gesengt werden konnte
  • Produkte sind aus der Region.
  • kurze Transportwege
  • Bauernhofgarantie (die Adresse des Bauerhofs ist immer vermerkt)
  • eine stressfreie Schlachtung.

Puten mit dem AMA-Gütesiegel erfüllen all diese Kriterien. Leider wissen das immer noch zu wenige Menschen in Österreich.

All diese strengen Qualitätskriterien, aber vor allem das Wissen, dass es den Tieren bei der Aufzucht gut geht, sind mir die wenigen Cent mehr wert.

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Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute

Roasted turkey roulade, stuffed turkey breast, turkey recipe, Puten Rollbraten , Ama Gütesiegel
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Das wichtigste zum Schluss und warum ich den Rollbraten einem Truthahn im Ganzen vorziehe.

Das Putenrollbraten-Rezept ist nicht schwierig zum Befolgen. Bei den kniffligsten Stellen, habe ich auch ein Video für euch hinzugefügt. Wer den Butterfly-Schnitt fürchtet, der kann sich auch gleich beim Fleischhauer die Putenbrust zu einem Rollbraten aufschneiden lassen.

Ich persönlich, bevorzuge den Putenrollbraten einem im Ganzen gegarten Truthahn. Einerseits da bei einer 4 Personen Familie viel zu viel Essen übrig bleibt. Andererseits ist das Vorbereiten und die Garzeit viel viel kürzer und einfacher als bei einem Truthahn im Ganzen.

Alles Liebe und gutes Gelingen

eure Nina ❤️

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Turkey roast recipe, Roasted Turkey roulade, Turkey recipe, holiday main course, stuffed turkey breast, Puten Rollbraten, gefüllte Putenbrust, Weihnachtsessen, thanksgiving dinner recipe, Sonntagsbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die Gute Pute

Roasted turkey roulade stuffed with mushrooms, prosciutto and prunes
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Roasted turkey roulade stuffed with mushrooms, prosciutto and prunes

5 from 5 votes
Recipe by Nina Course: christmas main course, holiday main course, Main CourseCuisine: American, French


Prep time


Cooking time







This is an easy showstopper dinner recipe for a golden roasted turley roulade filled with a flavorful stuffing made of roasted mushrooms, prunes, ciabatta bread, parmesan and prosciutto. This main course recipe lets you shine especially during the holiday seasons.

Cook Mode

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  • 800 g 800 turkey breast skinless , your breast should be between 800g -1 kg heavy

  • 6 slices 6 prosciutto

  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil for searing the turkey roulade on every side

  • Stuffing
  • 1/2 medium 1/2 onion finely chopped

  • 100 g 100 button mushrooms finely chopped

  • 1 tbsp 1 olive oil for roasting the mushrooms

  • 5 5 dried prunes finely chopped

  • 50 g 50 parsley finely chopped

  • 300 g 300 ciabatta without crust cut into small pieces

  • 1 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp 1 cream cheese

  • Gravy and roasted mushrooms
  • 2 medium 2 carrots

  • 1/2 medium 1/2 onion

  • 150 ml 150 chicken broth

  • 50 ml 50 white wine

  • 50 g 50 butter

  • 50 ml 50 cream

  • 1 twig 1 fresh rosemary

  • 350 g 350 button mushrooms optional as a side.


  • Stuffing
  • Firstly start with roasting the onions, mushrooms and prunes in 1 tbsp for about 7-8 minutes . When the mushrooms are done salt and pepper the mixture. Let it cool until it's only warm to the touch.
  • The stuffing: In a medium bowl add the rest of the stuffing ingredients plus the mushroom mixture. Mix everything together with a wooden spoon. If the stuffing is too dry add a little bit of milk or chicken stock.
  • Wash the turkey breast and pad it dry. Remove unnecessary fat or blood vessels.
  • Butterfly Cut: Now cut the turkey breast open with a butterfly cut. See video ->
  • Pound out turkey: Lay the butterflied turkey breast between two large pieces of plastic wrap on clean work surface. Use a mallet (or rolling pin) to slightly pound turkey breast to an even 1,5-2cm (3/4inch) thickness. Remove plastic wrap and discard.
  • Add stuffing: Sprinkle turkey with salt and pepper. Cover the meat with proscuitto and spread the stuffing mixture in a 1cm (1/2 inch) thick layer, evenly over the turkey leaving a 2cm boarder border on all sides. Be careful not to overstuff the turkey or you will have a difficult time rolling it up.
  • Starting at the shortest end of the turkey breast, roll the turkey up and over the stuffing, jelly-roll style. Use your fingers to tuck in any stuffing that escapes on the sides as you roll. Season the turkey role gerously with salt and pepper.Firmly tie up the turkey roulade with kitchen twine every 3cm to form a compact cylinder.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°Celsius (325°F).
  • Searing the turkey roulade: When the turkey roulade is secured with kitchen twine, heat some olive oil in a large skillet. Sear roulade on all sides until golden brown, about 5-6 minutes total. Check the side you are searing every minute, depending on how hot your pan is. You want to brown it on all sides, not burn it.
  • Transfer the turkey roulade, seam side down, to a large casserole **Keep the pan you seared the turkey in, you will use the brown bits stuck to the bottom to make your gravy**. 
  • Starting the Gravy: Deglace the pan with white wine and add the chopped carrots and onions. Roast for 3-4 minutes. Add the chicken stock and butter. Cook for 1 more minute and pour the sauce over the turkey roulade and add that rosemary twig to the caserole.
  • Roast for about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes, until a thermometer inserted into the center reads 80°Celsius (160°F)
  • Remove the turkey from the oven and tent with aluminum foil. Allow the turkey to rest at room temperature for 15 minutes before carving into slices.
  • OPTIONAL: If you would like some roasted button mushrroms as a side add them to your turkey roulade after it is roastng for about 50 minutes in the oven. add a little bit of chicken stock and cover the mushrooms with the gravy. Bake until the Turkey roulade is done.
  • If you added some mushrooms to the roast put them into an extra bowl and keep warm until serving.
  • Finish the gravy sauce: After you took out the turkey roulade, rosemary twig and mushrooms scrap all the pieces from the buttom of the casserole and pour everything into a blender. Blend the sauce until very fine. Add the gravy and if to thick of an consinstency add a little bit more chicken stock. And pulse again for a couple of seconds. Pour into a bowl have a final taste and if necesarry season with some more salt and pepper.
  • Serve the turkey roulade with gravy and the extra roasted mushrooms if using. Enjoy.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 773kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 54g
  • Protein: 58g
  • Fat: 37g
  • Saturated Fat: 14g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 16g
  • Trans Fat: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 205mg
  • Sodium: 1153mg
  • Potassium: 1237mg
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Sugar: 10g
  • Vitamin A: 6903IU
  • Vitamin C: 26mg
  • Calcium: 96mg
  • Iron: 3mg

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Roasted turkey roulade stuffed with mushrooms, prosciutto and prunes
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Roasted turkey roulade stuffed with mushrooms, prosciutto and prunes

5 from 5 votes
Recipe by Nina Course: christmas main course, holiday main course, Main CourseCuisine: American, French


Prep time


Cooking time







This is an easy showstopper dinner recipe for a golden roasted turley roulade filled with a flavorful stuffing made of roasted mushrooms, prunes, ciabatta bread, parmesan and prosciutto. This main course recipe lets you shine especially during the holiday seasons.

Cook Mode

Keep the screen of your device on


  • 800 g 800 turkey breast skinless , your breast should be between 800g -1 kg heavy

  • 6 slices 6 prosciutto

  • 2 tbsp 2 olive oil for searing the turkey roulade on every side

  • Stuffing
  • 1/2 medium 1/2 onion finely chopped

  • 100 g 100 button mushrooms finely chopped

  • 1 tbsp 1 olive oil for roasting the mushrooms

  • 5 5 dried prunes finely chopped

  • 50 g 50 parsley finely chopped

  • 300 g 300 ciabatta without crust cut into small pieces

  • 1 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp 1 cream cheese

  • Gravy and roasted mushrooms
  • 2 medium 2 carrots

  • 1/2 medium 1/2 onion

  • 150 ml 150 chicken broth

  • 50 ml 50 white wine

  • 50 g 50 butter

  • 50 ml 50 cream

  • 1 twig 1 fresh rosemary

  • 350 g 350 button mushrooms optional as a side.


  • Stuffing
  • Firstly start with roasting the onions, mushrooms and prunes in 1 tbsp for about 7-8 minutes . When the mushrooms are done salt and pepper the mixture. Let it cool until it's only warm to the touch.
  • The stuffing: In a medium bowl add the rest of the stuffing ingredients plus the mushroom mixture. Mix everything together with a wooden spoon. If the stuffing is too dry add a little bit of milk or chicken stock.
  • Wash the turkey breast and pad it dry. Remove unnecessary fat or blood vessels.
  • Butterfly Cut: Now cut the turkey breast open with a butterfly cut. See video ->
  • Pound out turkey: Lay the butterflied turkey breast between two large pieces of plastic wrap on clean work surface. Use a mallet (or rolling pin) to slightly pound turkey breast to an even 1,5-2cm (3/4inch) thickness. Remove plastic wrap and discard.
  • Add stuffing: Sprinkle turkey with salt and pepper. Cover the meat with proscuitto and spread the stuffing mixture in a 1cm (1/2 inch) thick layer, evenly over the turkey leaving a 2cm boarder border on all sides. Be careful not to overstuff the turkey or you will have a difficult time rolling it up.
  • Starting at the shortest end of the turkey breast, roll the turkey up and over the stuffing, jelly-roll style. Use your fingers to tuck in any stuffing that escapes on the sides as you roll. Season the turkey role gerously with salt and pepper.Firmly tie up the turkey roulade with kitchen twine every 3cm to form a compact cylinder.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°Celsius (325°F).
  • Searing the turkey roulade: When the turkey roulade is secured with kitchen twine, heat some olive oil in a large skillet. Sear roulade on all sides until golden brown, about 5-6 minutes total. Check the side you are searing every minute, depending on how hot your pan is. You want to brown it on all sides, not burn it.
  • Transfer the turkey roulade, seam side down, to a large casserole **Keep the pan you seared the turkey in, you will use the brown bits stuck to the bottom to make your gravy**. 
  • Starting the Gravy: Deglace the pan with white wine and add the chopped carrots and onions. Roast for 3-4 minutes. Add the chicken stock and butter. Cook for 1 more minute and pour the sauce over the turkey roulade and add that rosemary twig to the caserole.
  • Roast for about 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes, until a thermometer inserted into the center reads 80°Celsius (160°F)
  • Remove the turkey from the oven and tent with aluminum foil. Allow the turkey to rest at room temperature for 15 minutes before carving into slices.
  • OPTIONAL: If you would like some roasted button mushrroms as a side add them to your turkey roulade after it is roastng for about 50 minutes in the oven. add a little bit of chicken stock and cover the mushrooms with the gravy. Bake until the Turkey roulade is done.
  • If you added some mushrooms to the roast put them into an extra bowl and keep warm until serving.
  • Finish the gravy sauce: After you took out the turkey roulade, rosemary twig and mushrooms scrap all the pieces from the buttom of the casserole and pour everything into a blender. Blend the sauce until very fine. Add the gravy and if to thick of an consinstency add a little bit more chicken stock. And pulse again for a couple of seconds. Pour into a bowl have a final taste and if necesarry season with some more salt and pepper.
  • Serve the turkey roulade with gravy and the extra roasted mushrooms if using. Enjoy.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 773kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 54g
  • Protein: 58g
  • Fat: 37g
  • Saturated Fat: 14g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 16g
  • Trans Fat: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 205mg
  • Sodium: 1153mg
  • Potassium: 1237mg
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Sugar: 10g
  • Vitamin A: 6903IU
  • Vitamin C: 26mg
  • Calcium: 96mg
  • Iron: 3mg

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Roasted turkey roulade, roasted turkey breast recipe, turkey recipe, dinner recipe, holiday main course, Puten-Rollbroten, Putengericht, Putenrezept, Putenbraten, AMA-Gütesiegel, die gute Pute

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How to cook the best Sauerkraut from a Bag | March 19, 2023 - 11:58 am

[…] Roasted turkey roulade with mushrooms, prosciutto and parmesan cheese […]


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