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by Antonia


Nina Stangl

8010 Graz/Österreich

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About Me

Welcome to 2 Sisters Living Life, a blog about soul comforting recipes, beautiful food and food photography.

Austrian Recipes

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free ebook, the best summer recipes

Get Our New Summer Kitchen Recipes E-book With IndulgentSummer Recipes

The E-Book is filled with our most delicious Summer recipes.

You can look forward to seeing No Churn Tiramisu Ice Cream with a Coffee Caramel Sauce, Panzanella Salad with Raspberries and Burrata, and Raspberry Compote combined with Airy Basil Cream. 

After subscribing, you will be redirected to a new URL, where you can download The ENGLISH or GERMAN E-Book immediately.

Thank you, Nina. 



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